Stress Relief tips, techniques and strategies
NOTE: This stress article is a composite of five articles first published in A Daily Dose of Happiness
Stress Relief Tip #1: Do one thing at a time. Do it mindfully. Do it well. Enjoy the satisfaction. Then go on to the next thing. Multitasking might work for computers, but humans have yet to get the hang of it. It leads to careless mistakes, shoddy work and unreliable performance. Worst of all, having to do things over. This is no way to live. Give what you're doing your undivided attention. Take the time to get it right. And enjoy the experience. There are 299 more simple stress relief strategies, tips and techniques in Why Make Yourself Crazy? Stress Relief Tip #2: Cut down on competitive stress. It is Day 2 of our stress-relief strategies. G. Gaynor McTigue, author of the best-selling "Why Make Yourself Crazy?", is with us all week, and he offers another of his top 5 tips to reduce stress. Today, we compete for everything: the space around us, to be first to own a new product, to get our kids signed up for programs, to get our viewpoints across, to be faster, smarter, richer, sexier. Our days are filled with stressful competitions. And most are absolutely unnecessary. Because they're driven by insecurity, fear of being left behind, an ingrained need to always have more or better than the next guy. Try to get above all that. If you want to compete, vie to be the one who stays calm and in control, who isn't easily sucked in by material things, who avoids being caught up in the daily grab-bag that robs people of health and peace of mind. Compete for that and see how pointless all those other competitions become. And how misguided those who partake in them begin to appear. There are 299 more simple stress relief strategies and techniques in Why Make Yourself Crazy? Stress Relief Tip #3: Throw something out every day. We are at the mid-point of stress-relief week. G. Gaynor McTigue, author of the best-selling "Why Make Yourself Crazy?", offers another favorite stress-relief strategy: You've got too much stuff in your house. Office. Garage. Attic. Useless clutter that's weighing you down, getting in the way, obscuring the things you really need. Be realistic. If you're not going to use it, lose it. And you don't have to make a humongous project out of it. Every day, find one thing you don't need and toss it. Or give it away. Over time, the clutter will begin to vanish and space and order will magically appear in your home...and your life. There are 299 more simple strategies and techniques to reduce stress in Why Make Yourself Crazy? Stress Relief Tip #4: Eliminate meaningless deadlines. This is stress-relief week at G. Gaynor McTigue, author of the best-selling "Why Make Yourself Crazy?", offers this stress-relief strategy: Our life is full of them. Arbitrary and unrealistic time constraints imposed by ourselves and others that serve only to make us more pressured, anxious, stressed out. For no worthwhile reason. Avoid the trap of assigning time frames to everything you do, especially if you have little idea how long it will take. Instead, make your goal one of completing a project in a careful, profession- al, satisfying manner. In other words, as long as it takes to do it right. Save your nerves, and your energy, for the few real deadlines we April 15th. There are 299 more simple stress relief strategies and techniques in Why Make Yourself Crazy? Stress Relief Tip #5: Get more out of life by doing less. All week we have been featuring stress-reduction strategies from G. Gaynor McTigue, author of the best-selling "Why Make Yourself Crazy?" We thank him for being with us as we learn from the final of his top 5 strategies to reduce stress: What a concept! Is your life fulfilling? Or is it merely crammed? Know the difference and you'll realize it's not the quantity of activities you engage in (or possessions you collect) that ultimately determine your happiness. One naturally unfolding, enriching experience can easily surpasses many rushed and distracted ones. But you may be so chronically overscheduled, you never give yourself a chance to enjoy anything to the fullest. Experiment. Choose an occasion and give it your complete, mindful and unhurried attention. Then imagine an entire life of such enrichment. It's absolutely attainable. There are 299 more simple stress relief strategies and tips in Why Make Yourself Crazy?
For personal growth articles by The Happy Guy, check his personal growth library.The five stress relief tips are excerpts from G. Gaynor McTigue's Why Make Yourself Crazy?, a book offering 300 stress-relief techniques and tips, and adapted for web article format from their original appearance in A Daily Dose of Happiness.