1. Don't Multi-Task - -Focus on the person you're talking to and put everything else to one side until later. If you can't concentrate pay attention to the quality of the voice, their eye colour and what they are wearing.
2. Suspend Judgement - Focus on what they're saying rather than your analysis of it. Listen know form an opinion later.
3. Make Gestures - Use your body language to make it clear that you are involved and listening. Keep eye contact and nod your head in recognition.
4. Ask Open Questions - A good listener will ask questions
5. Refer Back - Mention in your conversation something the person suggested on a previous occsaion. Listening need not be confined to the current discussion.
6. Hear Them Out - Reacting too quickly will set them on the defensive and guarantee an argument.
7.Explore Thier Words - Listen to the vocab the person chooses to use and be aware of its shadow meaning.
8. Be Aware of Emotions - Does their tone of voice alter while they are talking - it may reveal a change beneath the surface.
Taken from "The Mind GYm:Wake |Your Mind Up." Published by Time Warner.