BOOST FOR HOSPITAL WITH HELP FROM CALL OF THE WILD Cash has been raised for vital medical equipment thanks to brave fund-raisers. Scores of people abseiled down Dinas Rock to raise cash for vital medical equipment.
Breathe Easy was the Neath Valley's first major fund-raising event , held on Sunday 22nd April 2007, and organised by Call of the Wild, the corporate event specialists based in South Wales. Dave Thomas, Call of the Wild’s Head Instructor said “ we are only too happy to help this worthy cause and are pleased that the event was so well supported with other 60 participants.”
The Breathe Easy organisation is part of the British Lung Foundation and was set up a year ago to support people with lung conditions and breathing problems.
Money raised from the abseil will go towards a blood-gas analyser for Cimla Hospital, Neath, Wales. This monitors oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood - a vital process for people with breathing problems.
Neath group secretary Margaret Barnard said the analyser would help hundreds of people and slash waiting lists.
"It is vital to get respiratory patients in this area assessed quickly, and so receive the correct treatment much sooner."
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