This is an interesting article which Call of the Wild have come across.
A previous entry “What is the Price of Employee Loyalty” handled the topic of employee turnover and looked at how frequently employees search for job opportunities while they are employed. The key question for employers in a tight and turbulent job market where news of vacancies travels at internet speed and online job sites have made the job search process a highly efficient and competitive endeavour, is how to effectively minimize this turnover and win the long-term loyalty of its employees. The career experts at below outline some key measures to successfully curtail staff turnover and maximize employee satisfaction:-
Adopt hiring best practice
Hire to keep. When selecting candidates interview and assess them for the job at hand but also for their innate potential to progress up the ladder and assume the next role up the rung and a role above that. Effective hiring ensures not just present fit in terms of technical skills, soft skills and cultural fit but also long-term staying power with the company and potential to assume leadership positions further down the line.
Promote from within
Give the internal talent pool the first tight of refusal for all positions that arise. This will maintain the competitive spirit, fan the flames of ambition and ensure that employees are certain of opportunities for growth and progress within the organisation.