Fiona Thornewill, the current record holder for the fastest solo, unsupported ski to the South Pole – 41 days, is an Associate of Call of the Wild.
Fiona explains that the absolute finest moment of her expeditions was arriving at the South Pole solo. “You see I never felt my other trips had truly tested me. I don't mean this to sound grand or anything, but I needed to do something that stretched me, something where no one held my hand. My other trips had been guided. They were great trips and I enjoyed them immensely but I had really wanted to do it all ourselves. - So to stand there all alone meant much more to me. As I took the last steps I said aloud: Mike I'm here, I've done it. There was this overwhelming feeling of joy and satisfaction inside me. I cried, and saw in my head then, the faces of those I loved. I was so utterly satisfied.”
Fiona explains that the scariest moment on the ice was” Finding myself lost in the crevasse field at 87.40S. Never been so scared in all my life. Huge holes - some big enough to swallow my house! And some very uncertain snow bridges too. Crevasses have always been my greatest fear and threading my way over and around them totally alone and with no one to re assure me was terrifying. I was left physically sick.”
Fiona and her husband, as at year end 2006 raised £ 201,532.65 for charity. This is a fantastic amount. If you want to work with us and this calibre of individual then visit our website