Call of the Wild have taken the decision to move to larger offices in order to cope with the increased demand for our management training, team building and corporate events. Having been in our current offices since 1999 and grown into adjoining properties it is now time to move given the space limitations imposed by our existing premises.
“We have seen a vast increase in demand for our services in the last 18 months,” explained Kevin Gould, Director of Learning and Development, “which means that we have needed to take on additional staff to cope with this extra work. So far 5 new facilitation and support staff have been employed. With this growing team we need further space to accommodate them and the associated office infrastructure. We are committed to providing a quality service for our clients and this will enable us to so.”
It is proposed to move into a recently vacated large former doctors surgery building situated in the same Town as the current office. The building has been vacated due to a new state of the art large medical centre being built. This has provided us with a fantastic opportunity to relocate and expand our operations.
All our clients will be informed in due course of the impending move.