Team building at its best results in synergy i.e. 1+ 1 = 3 the sum is greater than the individual parts. The power of outdoor-based team building lies in the experiential nature of the learning that takes place. Well-designed and well-facilitated outdoor leadership and team building tasks have several advantages over traditional classroom based methods, a list of these advantages would include:-
- Environment-research has shown that taking individuals into an unusual and stimulating environment can have a noticeable effect on the desire to develop new team skills.
- The tasks have real outcomes-Well designed challenging programmes will include tasks that have real and measurable outcomes for both individuals and teams; this is an ideal metaphor for the workplace.
- Teams are able to make mistakes and learn from them with no consequence on the business.
When developing our team building courses Call of the Wild aim to give teams the chance to enhance several aspects of team working.
- Communication
- Trust
- Open and frank discussion
- Goal setting
- Problem solving
- Listening skills
It is through the development and implementation of these skills that teams can begin to work to their potential.
Critical to the success of our any team building programme is the amount of time allowed for feedback and facilitation, as it is only on reflection that learning can be identified and consolidated.
Team building is important to most organisations and should be seen as an essential component of any training plan.
Fior more information on team building programmes and outdoor team building visit our website.