We don't want to embarrass anyone but how often have you found yourself using some of these phrases in your work environment? I know I have. These phrases seem to creep into the office like osmosis but nobody knows where they originate or half the time what they actually mean.
When you hear them used does the person using them, in your eyes go up in your estimation or do they lose credibility. Interesting question. The intention on the part of the individual is obviously the former, trying to impress but does it actually have the opposite impact.
These are some which are doing the rounds on an ILM forum on Linked In at the moment.
Management Speak
1. Blue sky thinking
2. Lets take this off-line
3. I think we can park that over there for now
4.Burning platform
5. Deep dives,
6. Skin in the game
7. Tyre kicking
8. Let's take this offline
9. Getting our ducks in a row
10. We don't want to frighten the horses
11. Riding a race horse
12. Wake up and smell the coffee
13. Socialise the idea
14. Run the idea up the flagpole
15. Move out of the box
16. Prepare the 'roadmap of where we are going from here
17. Doing more with less
18. Rightsizing
19. I'm giving you the heads up
20. Customer centric
21. Lets drill down to the detail
22. Get in the tent
23. Throw under the bus
24.Kicking the beehive.
When you hear anyone saying these in the future will you be able to stop yourself from smiling?
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