In what are testing times for many organisations people are looking for best value from their staff training investmnet. They need to be able to justify their spend by demonstrating improved performance and resultant improved bottom line. So how do you achieve this?
Well what many are doing is looking to accredited courses to meet these objectives. Some of the more popualr courses are those offered by the Institute of Leadership and Management accredited centres, such as ours, The Institute of Leadership and Management is the largest award organisation in Europe for granting qualifications, through their accredited centres, to those who successfully complete courses on leadership and management.
The ILM accredited courses are designed to support future leaders with management capability training that is actually meaningful and complementary to the work they do in the work place. The Institute of Leadership and Management certification programme starts with the a level 2 certificate and go all the way up to level 7. Call of the Wild are accredited to deliver across all these levels and are designed to further leadership and managerial skill in individuals. Improving leadership and management skills at every level requires a range of qualifications that need to be designed to meet practical requirements.
Training courses have to be transferable from the training centre directly to the work place. While theory has its place, the training of executive management and creating future leaders is something that must stay practical. What is taught and learned must have high relevance to what actually happens on the ground, or it is of little practical value. Theory alone cannot do this. Professional development needs to be firmly grounded in reality.
Providing future leaders with access to specific ILM courses designed for improving senior members of staff is a proven method of performance enhancement in the workplace. This benefits employers as well as employees in any organisation. When the entire team is focused and coordinated, engaged and involved through the advancement of leadership and management skills there are tangible results for the organisations bottom line.
For more information visit Call of the Wild's website for Institute of Leadership and Management qualifications