I've been watching TV the last few days and seen a number of Japanese citizens stating that they have lost trust in the Japanese Government. This is due to either a lack of information or because of incorrect information being given out by the Government. This will have serious repercussions for the Government as once trust is lost it is very difficult to get back. Whatever information they now put out it is likely to be mistrusted or at best treated with scepticism on the part of the Japanese people.
There are many parallels with business in that the importance of trust in the workplace cannot be underestimated.
Definition of Trust
" Confidence in, reliance on; obligation of person given confidence or vested with authority; treat as reliable" Oxford Dictionary
Trust is the glue that holds every successful organisation together as it underpins factors such as effective communication, employee retention, and employee motivation and contributes to the amount of discretionary extra effort that people are willing to voluntarily invest in work.
How to Build Trust
Establishing trust is about listening and understanding - not necessarily agreeing (which is different) - to the other person. Listening without judging. A useful focus to aim for when listening to another person is to try to understand how the other person feels, and to discover what they want to achieve.
Dr Stephen Covey (of 'The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People'® fame) is one of many modern advocates who urge us to strive deeply to understand the other person's point of view. He coined the expression: 'Seek first to understand, and then to be understood', which serves as a constant reminder for the need to listen to the other person before you can expect them to listen to you
It is difficult and rarely appropriate to try to persuade another person to do what we want; instead we must understand what the other person wants, and then try to help them to achieve it, which often includes helping them to see the way to do it. We must work with people collaboratively, to enable them to see what they want, and then help them to see the ways to achieve it.
Factors Which Erode Trust
1. Micro-management
2. Not empowering staff
3. Challenging the validity of decisions made by staff
4. Acting in self-interest not mutual interest due to a lack of shared values and objectives
5. Bad communication
6. Mis-information
7. Inability to delegate due to feeling I can do a job better than anyone else
8. Criticising the negatives but not praising the positives
9. Lack of clarity and consistency in decision making
10. Lack of empathy
For more information on the building of trust for leaders visit our website.