How Can You Improve Your Communication Skills
"Off with her head, cried the queen at the top of her voice. Nobody moved."
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland.
Bad communication is worse than no communication at all. So what is communication:-
Communication - The imparting or exchange of information (The Little Oxford Dictionary)
Having the confidence and skills to communicate in the workplace is central to everyones role. It is probably the most important part of any relationship, and so easy to get wrong.
We have all seen organisations where no-one really knows what is going on, or understands their part in the bigger picture of the business, we all know that is not a good position to be in.
More employees feel and understand that they are a vital part of the business, the more pride they will take in what they do. This may take the form of training for managers and senior staff to feel they are supported and that they understand the importance of effective communication within the workplace, which will be in turn be passed onto other staff.
It could be that training is required for all staff in a variety of matters, not just relating to their everyday job role but, for example, customer service training for those dealing with your customers or clients day-to-day.
- Be clear with your narration's context and content
- Maintain a balanced tone of voice
- Use positive body language
- Consistent pace of delivery
- Confirm Understanding
Communication Skills Training Course Content
Our one day training course requires the learner to demonstrate:-
- An understanding of the communication process
- Methods of communication
- Why communicating with others may be effective or ineffective
It is usually not what we say but rather how we say it that distinguishes the competent, effective manager/leader. This interactive workshop looks at communication as a tool for effective manager/leaders in the workplace. By taking an overview of Emotional Intelligence and combining it with some aspects of Transactional Analysis participants should gain an insight into not only how to communicate better but also an understanding of why some communication breaks down.
For more information on our effective communication skills training course visit our website.