We often feel more responsible for our failures than our successes
Individuals are very modest and sometimes can't see that they have achieved many personal successes in their life. Remember you don't have to have made a million or become Prime Minster to be considered a success! Think positive and creat your own success in life by learnign and trying new things.
Also why not try listing your own personal success stories such as:-
I learned to walk| I learned to ride a bike| I learned to swim| I passed my exams| I learned to drive| I raised healthy children| I learned to read & write|I helped a friend with a problem|I scored a goal in football|I lost weight|I learnt a foreign language
You'll increase your feeling of self-worth and self-esteem significantly by undertaking this exercise.
If you believe you can, or if you believe you can't, you're right - what you think about comes true
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