Leadership and Management Wales latest research into delivering ‘world class’ leadership and management development has delivered new insights, helping them to form their strategy for the future. The findings demonstrate that Call of the Wild's approach to leadership and management development has been innovative and "...can be a more effective way to improve higher level leadership skills."
The research, which will be published on their website soon, produces several key outcomes, including:
- ‘Experiential learning’ (learning through experience) can be more effective than solely classroom-based training, and should be embraced in Wales. This can include innovative models such as ‘leaders teaching leaders’, where business leaders share the secrets of their success, or leadership coaching.
- Organisations can increase the impact of their leadership and management development, for instance by ensuring that development plans align with organisational goals, and that there is ‘buy in’ from the top level of management and from employees throughout the organisation.
“The findings show there are exciting new approaches to enhance the impact of leadership and management development, and we are looking to take these to Welsh businesses,“ said LMW’s deputy director, Jo Riley.
Kevin Gould, Director at Call of the Wild said “it’s rewarding to find that LMW’s research endorses the approach we have taken for many years towards leadership and management development. An experiential learning approach combined with clearly defined client objectives is in our experience the most effective means of achieving positive change in the workplace.”
Call of the Wild is one of the first organisations in Wales to achieve the quality award and become an endorsed training provider with Leadership & Management Wales (LMW) , the Centre of Excellence for leadership and management skills in Wales.
Leadership and Management Wales was formed to support businesses in developing their leadership and management development skills, enabling them to increase efficiency and help grow the economy in Wales through raising standards amongst training providers.
Click here to read mor about experiential learning and our approach to leadership and management development